Sunday, 13 March 2011

Snettisham, Norfolk, Sunday 13th March 11.15am

At last my first sea swim of 2011. I feel extremely shamefaced that it has taken so long it's March for goodness sake! Starting a two month  late New Year resolution to not be so lazy I cycle 8 miles to meet my support team for the morning. Hoping that the exercise will nullify my reluctance to plunge the murky depths and armed with the essential flask of tea and some cinnamon buns we set off for the coast.
The sky turns to that ominous bruised grey which threatens with the promise of rain as we make our way past the endless sad looking caravan parks to Snettisham beach.There is always a bleak melancholy around holiday resorts in the winter season so by the time we reach the car park my resolve is wavering.
Horribly self conscious we make our way down to the shore, I pull myself together as for one it isn't snowing so it really can't be that bad even with a mass audience of dog walkers. Not a very big tide today only about 5.5m so a little bit of wading will be required, I'm soon standing shivering in my costume pulling on the very essential gloves and giving directions on how to work my rubbish point and shoot camera. I am very proud to say even after a months break since the pond swim in January that I can still wade in calmly and strike out with no exclamations or screaming. Clearly as I haven't been swimming  at least four times a week I'm not acclimatised so I can say with confidence that it is definitely warmer than December the 27th. I'm not thrashing about in a futile attempt to stop my arms and legs seizing up but actually swimming! I manage to swim parallel with shore and back again and decide to get out wading through the shallows my feet sinking into the mud in that kind of disgusting but slightly satisfying way. My support team hands me the towel which  I am able to grasp with both hands and I stand feeling lovely and warm as the sun breaks through the cloud. Basking in the sun I decide to go in for another dip, even after the support team has voiced doubts about whether my legs are supposed to be that colour of scarlet. It feels lovely with sun on the water an actual sign stronger than snowdrops and daffs that spring has arrived after so many false starts. I finally get out as I feel the chill creeping up my legs. I mange to dress slowly and not in the mad dash that normally follows a winter dip. Still incredibly grateful for hot sweet tea post swim. Cycling home next to the River Ouse on an incredible high, just so happy to have been in the sea.
 This evening as I was watching more of the footage from the tsunami in Japan I was left with an overwhelming feeling of being so small and powerless in the face of such immense force and destruction. It seemed completely unreal to have spent the morning floating in such calm sea waters.

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