Saturday 14 May 2011

Ringstead, Saturday 14th May, 8pm

The south westerly winds had been keeping us from swimming for a few days despite clear-ish skys and the occasional spot of sunshine so we decided to venture further afield and try out Ringstead. Door to beach was under an hour, not bad. Ringstead is a beautiful small bay with double protection - the limestone massif of Portland blocks from the SW and a reef just off the beach breaks any smaller waves that do whip up. Ideal. 

It is a slightly schizophrenic spot - four massive cargo ships were queuing to get into Portland port to the west while the peace and emptiness of Purbeck lies to the east.

The water was calm and clear as hoped although by the time we were swimming the light was fading making the water appear inky black. Basking sharks have been spotted recently and we were a bit nervous/excited about the thought of bumping into one in the dark.

Getting out we felt the wind that was stopping us swimming nearer home and had to change quickly. Reviving hot chocolate and biscuits helped reduce our shivers to an acceptable level and we set off for the return journey west, driving into the sunset.


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