Sunday 1 May 2011

may day

May day evening swim at west bay under threatening skies. It seemed to be raining everywhere except over us. The sea was a stunning blue-green and the light was almost eerie. I was still horribly hung over and the sky looked bruised and brutal - we did consider just drinking the hot chocolate and going home dry. Luckily we got over our initial fears and had a beautiful swim. The sea and the air felt exceptionally clean. The wind was strong making us freeze as soon as we left the water. I had to jump back into the sea twice just to keep warm. 

As usual we probably stayed in a bit too long and shivered into our clothes (at 12 deg we need to remember the sea is still a bit fresh). Fortunately MG saved the day with hot chocolate. We were both left feeling oddly calm and serene. Marvelling at the light and watching the fulmers bob on the water, we had to stop ourselves going back in for another dip and tear ourselves away from the empty beach.

With warm weather and warmish seas there has been much obsessive swimming over the past few weeks. We are hoping to still update this blog with stand out swims and we have plans to swim further afoot too - along Purbeck coast and in land - The New Forest, Dorset rivers and Dartmoor.


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