Tuesday 21 June 2011

Longest Day, 21st June, Ringstead 12.15

I'm loathe to put this above J's AMAZING video - previous entry - please watch that first!!


I'm in melodramatic mood as SW and I meet at West Bay to assess the conditions, with lots of cursing of the sunny climes of East Anglia and damning of the British summer. The sea is grey and churning, waves thrashing the beach and a gale is blowing us inside out. Even the mascot only makes it half way up the cliff to greet SW before returning exhausted. But we are determined to swim to celebrate the solstice and abandon ourselves to the current washing us toward Ringstead, scene of our happy swim over a month ago (not quite my last sea swim but the last I remember – 15th May is marked in my diary with "swim early am and pm, Burton", but worryingly I remember nothing at all about it…). SW volunteers to drive and we quash the question of the sanity of a three hour round trip with swimming banter, exchange of gossip and party planning for our Friday shindig (KH – salted margaritas??). In the vein that drives our support teams insane, we agree that our winter swimming season was far superior to our summer one so far – constant swims, brilliant stories, good health and the glow of self satisfaction that is entirely missing in the balmy climate of the summer (when it is possible to get in the water). Also, none of the sharks, jelly fish and spider crabs that we now have to worry about…. White tip spotted off Cornwall….

driving over (perfect swimming conditions)

We reach Ringstead where the sea and wind are pretty fierce but in the sheltered bay, seem manageable. Anyway, there's no question of bailing after driving all the way here. There is some prancing, whining, and delaying of clothing removal as the wind whips through us. I remind SW that we made less fuss when it was SNOWING and eventually deem making a video the only way to force us into a pretence of bravery. With cameras rolling and the eyes of millions upon us, we stagger ungracefully in (video consequently blown out of the water by JJ's). In less than a split second as I dive under, I'm happier than I've been since the 15th May and come up laughing, my joy reflected in SW's face. The sea is perfect, the temperature bliss, and even the sun seems to be coming out. I'm light as air. My ambition to get the train and head to London this afternoon fades to nothingness as I remember exactly what it is that keeps me in Dorset. How could I have forgotten! We swim and splash until both my ears have filled with water and SW's hands have gone the traditional purple, black and dead person white. SW is also mauled by a wave and nearly loses his goggles.

Attempting to dress in the now warm wind, I lament the fact we aren't videoing this as our swearing, hopping about on one leg, entanglement in clothes, blowing away of various costumery articles, things blowing inside out, is the stuff of cinematic dreams. That'll be for another day. The super sweet hot chocolate is very welcome especially as I have managed to twist my back in my changing contortions and have become hysterical with giggles through the pain, one of the best swimming side affects.

We leave the beach and meander homewards which seems to take no time, and part at the cars with hopes for another swim excursion tomorrow. Longest day; usually sad, but this year the winter doesn't seem so bleak with it's promise of another snow swim…

ps note for SW - there is a natural swimming pool at a house in Mangerton! I saw it through the hedge and did an emergency stop and the car behind me was a hair's breath from hitting me.

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