Thursday 2 June 2011

Thursday 2nd June 2011, West Bay

Wind from the NE on our part of the coast means calm seas and lots of swimming.

I recently found a new running route to the sea from my home which is half cross-country and today seemed like the ideal time to try it out. I managed to persuade a member of the support team to meet me at the beach so I only had to run one way. 10k is enough for me at the moment.

Dodging cows and cow pats and more dangerously, deep hoof prints in dried out mud I had a great run along a river towards the sea; bounding over electric fences, (mostly) avoiding nettles and clambering over stiles. I heard my first cricket of the year, saw a beautiful fox and plenty of buzzards. The town stretch a bit less interesting but tarmac easier going and I was getting knackered by then so appreciated not having to concentrate so much!

Its half-term so the beach was busy for West Dorset but thats still pretty quiet. The water was flat calm, murky but clearing (in a few days it should be crystal) and fantastically refreshing.


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