Sunday 10 April 2011

Sunday 10th April, Various

Cogden, 4.15


My first swim of 2011! A very happy-making event. Quite a party gathered at
Cogden - MG and SW (the hard core) but also guest swimmers CM, IM and SS and
there was a definite air of festivity, befitting the inaugural swim,
especially on such a perfect spring day - warm and cloudless and still. The
skylarks were singing; the sea kale was poking through the shingle; the tide
was out revealing a wide strip of golden sand. Having not swum since
November, which I put down to the unusually arctic conditions here and the
fatally softening effects of the Indian Ocean elsewhere, I was feeling
apprehensive - but getting in was surprisingly painless, cold but not
unbearably so, not so as to be rendered breathless and speechless. Warmer it
seemed than November, certainly warmer than last March (my first swim of
last year). Expecting no more than the briefest of dips, I had two short but
proper swims. The water was glorious, clear and green, with just a faint
odour of fish, thanks to the preponderance of fishermen at Cogden - our only
companions on the beach. Telling myself I shouldn't get carried away, I got
out sooner than I'd have liked. CM executed a few pirouttes, for joy, on the
sand. SS failed to achieve lift-off thanks to extreme pain in her feet but
did manage full body immersion. SW and MG, hardened after a winter of
swimming, predictably lingered longest. Afterwards we sat on the beach,
warmed by late afternoon sun, drinking tea and eating cake (for those who
hadn't given up sugar for Lent). Heavenly.

Titchwell 13:00- A different type of Bird


I wasn't planning to swim at Titchwell today but the coast road to Sunny Hunny was bumper to bumper with caravans and holiday interlopers. So a quick detour down the back roads and we pop out just a bit further round the coast. After the last few days of glorious weather I had proposed to M.G. that maybe it might be Bikini weather but the stiff fresh wind off the north sea soon makes me glad I opted for the one piece.  We walk through the marsh past the birders who as far as I can tell have their telescopic lenses trained on a duck... The beach is gloriously empty and we head for the dunes and shelter out of the wind. Quick change and I wrap my towel around me and walk down to the water line shivering slightly.

I drop my towel and walk into the shallows, very fresh. I too adopt the cormorant arm position which is almost impossible not to do. There is a slight swell and the wind is blowing the waves inshore even though the tide has turned. A cresting wave catches me full in the chest and  I force myself to submerse as getting caught unawares by waves is only going to make it more difficult. The sun shimmers on the water and yes it is fresh  but I feel absolutely AMAZING. I then break my winter swimming rule and dive under the next wave. An icy slap in the face but heavenly. I go back for more though as I don't seem to be getting brain freeze. This is my first time without gloves and my hands tingle a little but no claws today.  I swim with the current and body surf in on the waves and it could almost be summer.. almost I start to sense numbness in my upper arms and my legs are putting up a a little protest. Aware of the walk back I decide to get out. The fresh breeze of 15 minutes before feels balmy I stand and soak up the sun. I leisurely walk back to the dunes passing people wearing hats, fleecy jackets and walking trousers. I get the LOOK, and then they pretend that I am clearly a mirage.
I am pleasantly surprised at how even with the mass of wet hair I still feel normal. Only in the car home do I get that sleepy post cold water nap feeling.


West Bay, 9.30am


The obsession levels are at maximum, but I cannot fight it – I know two swims in a day is taking it too far but who cares? We have to make the most of every chance we're given with the British weather and with conditions as perfect as this I'd be mad to resist. I sneak down to the beach for an early swim just with the mascot at 9.30. It's unbelievable – still water, blue sea, an almost empty beach and just a few murderous gulls cruising above. As I dive in and swim out through the glass clear water about (keeping a nervous eye out for gulls) I feel like crying at the bliss of the moment. Through the grey skies, the snow swim, the piercing winds and endless drizzle, it seemed like this moment would never come – but we seem to be back in summer before the bluebells are even properly out....

As I stumble back along the beach, damp and a bit chilled from staying in too long, I think I see another swimmer. But phew! He's wearing a wetsuit. I give him a scathing glance, while inwardly breathing a sigh of relief.

Roll on second swim!

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