Monday 4 April 2011

Sunday 3rd April Kenwood Ladies Pond, Birthday Dip


Those who say that birthdays get less fun as you get older, are talking nonsense – mine gets better and better. This one began well with EoD's incredible birthday book, an early Puffin "Book of Swimming", quotes from whence are to make many appearances in the dying days of the blog.

The day itself commenced with a glorious swim with HL chronicled by FHH, at the Kenwood Ladies Pond. It's a sunny, clear day and we approach our swim only disappointed that the Mixed Ponds are closed, so that the gentleman of our party is unable to join us. He makes no secret of his relief. HL and I are excited to see that the Ladies Pond temperature is a balmy 11 degrees. This however does not make getting in any easier, and without my boots, my toes are burning pretty quickly. But we soldier on and once through the initial burn, it feels absolutely amazing – HL cannot believe how much easier it is than last time she was here (Jan) and we frolic about, gossiping and generally behaving like it's August. I do a few dips and eventually get out after about 10 minutes. HL however remains in, and is eventually told off by a lifeguard who is clearly concerned she's about to drop dead of hyperthermia. In the changing rooms, I launch into Winter Swimming Tzar mode, giving bossy advice about how to stay warm, and forcing her to put on jumpers and conserve her body heat. In the middle of this, a lady changing alongside us, quietly says "give it 10 minutes, and you'll know which way it's going to go" which does not fill us with confidence. HL blanches even paler. But she's made of strong stuff and though extremely cold she not only recovers quickly but never reveals how cold she actually was, both admirable qualities. We decamp to a pub for an enormous lunch and more glorious swimming themed presents from FHH.

Thank you everyone for a brilliant birthday!

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