Sunday 24 April 2011

24th April, Easter Day


Exactly what we always swore would NOT happen has now happened to the blog. We got complacant, we said we'd catch up on our entries, and meanwhile we swam and swam and swam, and now we are about 250 entries behind and can never hope to catch up; SW and I on the last grey day (16th) staying in too long and getting multi-coloured and hysterical; spotting the spider crabs coming in in herds to mate at Cogden (17th); KH and I speechless at the beauty of water like cut crystal at Burton (18th); SW departing for warmer climes and the mercury here instantly hitting 27degrees; and today and yesterday my solitary splashes at 7.30am, when the beach is empty and I walk half a mile to where a drop of sunlight splashes through a dip in the cliffs and I can swim far out, alone and heroic.

I think our best approach now is to accept that our regular blogging days are over. We'll make a final heroic splash at our end of season jamboree - The Battenberg Party - where we are extemeley excited about beach themed food; polenta sandwiches (sandy crunch) cinder toffee (inside of Crunchies, exactly like the cliffs) and salt crusted Margaritas....

Meanwhile think on us and envy, for as KH and I agreed, life in general can't get much better than this.

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